Some important things to know about hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C is caused by a flavivirus
- The virus (see right) was discovered in 1989 by Choo et al
- It was formerly known as "non-A non-B hepatitis" (NANB hepatitis)
- Hepatitis C can be transmitted from person to person
- Hepatitis C spread is preventable
- If diagnosed (through a simple blood test to look for a positive antibody), hepatitis C is potentially treatable
- Simple healthcare advice, such as in relation to alcohol use and hepatitis B vaccination, can help people with hepatitis C to improve their prognosis and future health
- There are believed to be at least 200,000 people already infected with this virus in the UK alone, and more than 170 million world-wide
Current Membership of 'Action on Hepatitis C' (as of end March 2001)
Joy Barlow, Current Member Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs (ACMD)
Rev Martin Blakeborough, Kaleidoscope, current ACMD Member
Caron Bowen, Sexual Health Promotion Manager, London
Dr William Clee, GP & current ACMD Member
Kathy Cohn, Mainliners Hepatitis C Support Group & Re-act
Mark Davis, Research Associate
Jon Derricott, UK Harm Reduction Alliance
Roger Duncan, Manager, Swansea Drugs Project(SAND)
Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt, Users' Voice
Manlio Fahrni, Hepatitis Action & Representation Group (HARP)
Professor Adam Finn, Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Bristol University
Dr Chris Ford, GP, RCGP Member National AIDS Strategy Group
Dr Graham Foster, Consultant Hepatologist, St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street, London
Professor David Goldberg, Public Health, University of Glasgow & SCIEH
Kate Grainger, British Liver Trust & C-Change
Dr Stephen T. Green, Consultant in Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, & British Infection Society Representative for Blood-borne viruses
Russ Hayton, Manager Drug & Alcohol Services, Plymouth, current ACMD member
Professor John Henry, Consultant, A&E Dept, St Mary's Hospital, London, ACMD Prevention Group
Lorraine Hewitt, Manager Stockwell Project & current ACMD Member
Nigel Hughes, Chief Executive, British Liver Trust
Robert James, Mainliners
Adrian Kirkby, Manager Suffolk Blood Borne Viruses Project, Secretary of AHC
Mari Ottridge, National Needle Exchange Forum
Andy McDonald, Drug & Alcohol Development Manager, Inner London Probation Service
Grant McNally,Trainer, Mainliners
Professor Lord Sir Naren Patel, former President of RCOG and Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, Dundee
Andrew Preston, Freelance Writer & Drug Trainer
Dr Roy Robertson, Edinburgh GP & current ACMD Member
Dr Daphne Rumball, Specialist Psychiatrist, Substance Misuse, Norwich
Mr Ian Sherwood, Senior Nurse, Bristol Specialist Drug Service
Mr Narayan Singh, Service Manager, Manchester Drug Service & current ACMD member
Professor Gerry Stimson, Director, Centre for Research on Drugs & Health Behaviour, past ACMD Member, President of AHC
Gary Sutton, National Service Users Network/ Junction Project
Dr David Temple, Director of the Welsh School of Pharmacy, past ACMD Member
Dr Christopher Tibbs, Consultant Hepatologist, St George's Hospital, London
Monique Tomlinson, Deputy Director, Mainliners
Dr Tom Waller, Specialist in Substance Misuse, Chair of AHC, past ACMD Member
Paul Wells, Manager Coventry CDT, Vice-Chair AHC
Basil Williams, Director, Mainliners
Meetings of 'Action on Hepatitis C' usually take place at Mainliners, Kennington, London, UK
Action on Hepatitis C
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